Noodle Kugel

Kugel is a baked casserole, most commonly made from lokshen or Jewish egg noodles or potatoes.

It is a traditional Ashkenazi Jewish dish, often served on Shabbat and Jewish holidays.

American Jews also serve it for Thanksgiving dinner.

Recipe Info


Any Pasta | Herb | Any Egg | Any Butter

Install Information

1. Download the recipe, if in a zip, unzip with WinRAR or 7-Zip.
2. Download “Srsly’s Custom Recipe Menus” mod.
3. Place the custom recipe menu folder inside your mods folder. (File Path: Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods)
4. Place any downloaded recipes in “_Misc Recipes” folder.
5. Make sure “Script Mods” and “Custom Content” are enabled in the in game settings.
6. Enjoy!




No known incompatibilities.

Known Issues

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If you find have any issues, please come by Discord for assistance.


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