Pumpkin Carving Uses Pumpkins

Install Guide

1. Download & Unzip the .zip file using 7-Zip or WinRar.
2. Un-zip using WinRAR or 7Zip.
3. Place the files inside your mods folder. (File Path: Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods)
4. Make sure “Custom Content” & “Script Mods” are enabled in your in-game settings.
5. Enjoy!

This is a simple mod to make it so the Spooky Stuff “Pumpkin Carving Station” will use Cottage Living pumpkins as ingredients.

There are 2 versions of this mod:

  • Pumpkins Optional – You can craft without pumpkins.
  • Pumpkins Required – You must have a pumpkin to craft.

Only Choose One.

Requires: Spooky Stuff & Cottage Living

OVERRIDE – This mod will override all EA recipes for pumpkins to add the ingredient tuning.




This mod is not compatible with any other mod that overrides the EA carved pumpkins recipe tuning.

Any custom harvestable pumpkins that use the EA tag “Func_Ingredient_Pumpkin_BG” will also work for the ingredient requirement.

Known Issues

No Known Issues.
If you find have any issues, please come by Discord for assistance.

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