University Comfort Set

Install Guide

1. Download & Unzip the .zip file using 7-Zip or WinRar.
2. Un-zip using WinRAR or 7Zip.
3. Place the files inside your mods folder. (File Path: Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods)
4. Make sure “Custom Content” & “Script Mods” are enabled in your in-game settings.
5. Enjoy!

I’ve been getting tired of the same old decor for Sims 4, so I am starting a conversion project for each of The Sims 3 expansions and stuff packs.
This is my fourth ‘University’ Inspired pack.
Please enjoy these 12 comfort items for your game!
Everything is recolored except for the chair with the tape, and the outdoor stadium chair.
All items have their original sims 3 descriptions and prices.

Update 4/19/17: Fixed speculars, fixed broken mesh, fixed harsh shadows, updated to include 30 color pallet.

Item List:
  1. Anger, Pain, Fear, Aggression Chair
  2. Cadet Desk Chair
  3. Common Space Comfort Sofa
  4. Flat ‘n’ Scratchy Chair
  5. High Back, Low Taxes Chair
  6. King of the Gate Fold-Out Chair
  7. Legible Luxury Sofa
  8. One of a Million Chair
  9. Pondering Throne Chair
  10. Sweet Find, Bro! Living Chair
  11. The Waiting Room Sofa
  12. Tilt ‘n’ Itch Living Chair

Oct. 25, 2022
/ Updated for all current Sims4Studio Batch Fixes.


No known incompatibilities.

Known Issues


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